Our department offers a selection of topics in the following fields: acoustics, plasma physics, photovoltaics, biomedical engineering, and medical devices.

Selected topics:

  • Nanocomposites based on nanodiamonds and silver nanoparticles.
  • Simulation of biosensors interfaces using molecular dynamics.
  • Characterization of optical color centers in diamond.
  • Stability and aging of novel solar cell materials.
  • Microelectromechanical (QCM) analysis on nanoparticles and molecules.
  • Electrical potential on carbon nanowalls with biomolecules.
  • Detection of heavy metals in aquatic environments using carbon quantum dots.
  • Data analysis and control of atomic force microscope in real time.
  • Simulation of small molecules on semiconductor surfaces using QuantumATK.
  • Power and wavelength control of tunable laser.
  • Thermal plasma technologies for materials upcycling.
  • Materials for ultrafast ionising radiation detectors.
  • Nanoindentation of advanced materials for bioapplications.
  • Research and development of metallic implants.

The current list of available topics is available HERE.