From May 30 to June 2, 2024, the 26th Astronomical Camp took place, organized for students by the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. This time, 25 university students and 4 high school winners of physics and mathematics olympiads gathered at the Temešvár training center. During the three days, there was one clear night for observation, and 9 lectures were given (two in English). The camp was visited not only by a lama from a nearby farm but also by two exceptional personalities. Professor Andrei Nomerotski from Oxford and Brookhaven National Laboratory, currently a guest at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, gave a lecture on quantum interferometry, and Tomas Svitek (USA), whose company supplies components for BlueOrigin and SpaceX, spoke about contemporary astronautics. The rich program was topped off with a show featuring a Tesla coil and a campfire.